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2022-04 “PINKIE’S BATCH" Bourbon


To this day I’m actually not sure where Pinkie got his nickname from, but one thing I do know is that he was someone who always followed his passions, just like I do with whiskey making.
A lot of people thought that Pinkie was in the bourbon business – a good assumption to make about someone in our family – but he worked as the vice president of the local bank. That’s not to say he didn’t enjoy drinking bourbon – he actually was a big fan – but the bourbon business just wasn’t his thing like it was for Dad and is for me and my son Freddie. When Pinkie wasn’t running the bank, he also loved to golf.
I remember as a little boy that golf was a big part of his life, and he tried to play as often as possible. So much so that he had an indent in his hip from the golf balls he’d keep in his pocket. Pinkie was also an outdoorsman, with a passion for hunting that he passed down to Booker. He often brought Dad along with him to hunt quail, and I know those were always bonding experiences for them.
While Dad and Pinkie had some different interests, they would bond over what brought them together, like hunting or watching a football game. As you try Pinkie’s batch, I invite you to raise a glass to the original Frederick Booker Noe and hope you enjoy it as much as he would've. Cheers!
The color of this batch is a rich, golden amber that really shines when you hold it up to the light and admire the glass you’ve poured. The aroma is balanced with brown spice and vanilla notes, which gives you a preview of the taste. When you first sip it, your mouth is filled with Booker’s signature vanilla flavor, and it leaves you with a lingering well-rounded finish.
I know my dad and grandad would have enjoyed this batch over a football game, and I’m very proud to name this batch in honor of my granddad, Frederick Booker Noe.

This batch is made up of four production dates that were aged in four different warehouses. The breakdown of barrel storage for Booker’s “Pinkie’s Batch” is as follows:
47% came from the 3rd floor of 7-story warehouse Z
36% came from the 4th floor of 7-story warehouse 1
11% came from the 4th floor of 7-story warehouse X
6% came from the 5th floor of 7-story warehouse Q